R2 walks up to Godzilla who is about to best his personal record in Wii Tennis.
R2: Godzilla, I am feeling angry and guilty at the same time!
Godzilla: What’s new! Tell me.
R2: A friend of mine had this as his Facebook status
"GP is kinda sad to hear the firecrackers upon Pak win - even as Qasab is under trial"
This status message reminded me of an India Pakistan game I had seen as a 13 year old with a good Muslim friend of mine at his place. There were almost 40 people watching that game at his place, I probably was the only Hindu amongst the audience.
Godzilla: Hmm.. What makes you feel guilty?
R2: I, somehow, from deep within, was rooting for a
Godzilla: Whom did you support in IPL?
G: Why
R2: Arr.. because I worked there for 6 months.. Well.. actually, because I had lot of shares of
G: If there was a game between
R2: Of course,
G: What if you got American citizenship today? Will it change who you support?
R2: You are trying to draw absurd conclusions by comparing situations which appear similar but are entirely different. I know your tricks very well!
G: Shh.. Relax!! It’s just a game. Chill...
(Godzilla tosses the 2nd remote towards R2)
Well, let me whoop your ass in Wii Tennis, how about that?
Huh. :-/ Got me thinking