Tuesday, June 23, 2009

God and Godzilla

R2: Godzilla, is there a God?

Godzilla: Of course, Yes! You see one right in front of you. Didn't you notice 1st 3 letters of my name?

R2: Godzilla - I am serious! Is there a God? Yes or No?

Godzilla: No.

R2: Whaat??!!! You really believe there is no God!! Who created universe? What was before it, what is beyond it? What happens after we die? Isn't there a greater purpose to life than Darwinian writ of survival and procreation? How can you live in peace with these open questions, without believing in God ??

Godzilla: Phew!! Hey, why don't we have a beer and watch some episodes of Lost. I am sure that by next season we will have answer to all these questions and more!

R2 gives up and starts to walk out in disgust.

Godzilla: Hey R2, how about going to Shiva Vishnu temple next weekend? I heard they have some awesome food on weekends.

R2 (stops) : I like that idea! A lot of pretty Indian girls visit the SV temple on weekends. Why don't we go this weekend itself?