Friday, October 30, 2009

Godzilla and Ghost

R2: (shouts from the living room) Godzilla, lets get ready for the Halloween party – what’s your costume?

No Response

R2: Oh, I figured! You don’t need any costume. You are going as Godzilla! Haha.. That’s freaky enough!

No Response

R2: (annoyed) Godzilla!

No Response

R2: (shouts again) Godzilla!! Why don’t you answer?

R2, now scared, walks slowly to the bathroom. Doesn’t find anyone inside.

R2: (softly, scared) Godzilla, where are you?

R2 finally looks at the mirror and screams in horror! There is a pale faced vampire standing behind him.

Godzilla takes off his vampire mask and starts laughing. “How do you like my mask? By the way, go change your pants. Haha”

R2: (relieved, but still a bit scared, giggling sheepishly) You scared the bazookas out of me! That was too good! Anyways, I will go get ready. R2 walks out.

Camera pans to the mirror. There is no reflection even as Godzilla stands right in front. Camera pans back to close-up of Godzilla’s face. Godzilla tilts his neck and gives a wicked knowing smile.

Eerie music. Screen goes blank. Credits roll down.